4 Daily Activities That Keratoconus Affects

Being diagnosed early with Keratoconus can mean minimal symptoms, as it progresses daily activities may become hindered. In the early stages of Keratoconus, one may be experiencing blurred vision, dry eyes, eye prescription changes, and night vision loss.  Living with these conditions can cause many psychological issues such as anxiety and depression. Patients are finding the freedom from glasses and contact lenses through new treatment for Keratoconus. The treatments Holcomb C3-R and Intacs  have been effective in returning daily activities to patients with mild to moderate stages of KC caused over the years. Below are some daily activities that can be challenging. As a result of these symptoms, getting through everyday life will take some life style adjustments.

1. Watching TV

woman watching tv

Watching television with keratoconus can cause strain to the eye which can lead to headaches, burning and stinging and neck or back pain. The LED light from the television also affects eye strain.

2. Night Driving

driving at night

Driving at night could be very dangerous due to halos and glares in the road. Patients with Keratoconus should plan their day out so they can avoid having to drive at night. Carpooling with colleagues or friends will ease the worry of getting stuck driving at night.

3. Outdoor Adventures

outdoor activities

One of the symptoms of keratoconus is dry eyes, making outdoor activities such as hiking and mountain biking very difficult to do. The dry air irritates the eyes making them red and painful. Contact wearers have to be especially careful because of the discomfort levels a poorly lubricated eye can cause.

4. Wearing Makeup

Make up is an every day essential for many women, but patients who suffer from keratoconus have to take extra precaution when applying. Good quality products as well as contact lens and eye hygiene is very important and need to be taken into consideration if you plan on applying makeup.