Year: 2014

How the Holcomb C3-R ® can Help Your Keratoconus – A Career in Auto Racing

While Keratoconus is an often debilitating condition there is hope in having a successful career in Auto Racing regardless of having Keratoconus. There are several new treatments that are not only improving patients Keratoconus but also bringing back the eyesight of many patients.

The Holcomb C3-R ® is a treatment that uses natural vitamin solution in the eye, and in combination with special UV lights the solution is activated. The solution will strengthen the fibers of the cornea which will improve the distortion in the eye over time.

Australian Race car driver Mark Skarife has had Keratoconus for over 10 years. His current treatments allow him to switch from contact lenses to glasses for his Keratoconus. However with the Holcomb C3-R ® Mark may have the ability to drive without any additional aids such as glasses or contact lenses. In an article in “All About Eyes” Mark stated “Contact lenses do not fog up like glasses tend to do”.

The truth is no matter what treatment you try it is up to you and your eye care professional to decide what works best for you. Can you have a career in Auto Racing and have Keratoconus, Yes. The trick is with any condition you have to monitor your condition, report and new symptoms, and understand how it can affect you in your future.

There are several treatments that can benefit you and your chosen career including Holcomb C3-R ® which can strengthen your vision naturally. INTACS which are inserted lenses that help support your natural lens.

Below are some symptoms of Keratoconus:

For those who are not familiar with Keratoconus, it is a progressive eye condition that causes thinning of your cornea changing it to a cone shape. The progression of the condition varies from person to person but the symptoms are generally the same.

  • Blurred vision
  • Frequent Changes in Prescription
  • Frequent rubbing of the eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Increased blinking of the eyes

There have been a great deal of advancements in the improvement of vision for those suffering from Keratoconus. Checking out the latest in treatments could save you a great deal of time and symptoms. Treatments like Holcomb C3-R ®, INTACS, and CK can help you regain your life a little faster. For more information on how to treat your Keratoconus visit

Learn how Olympic Bobsled Driver’s Life was changed by Keratoconus Treatments:

The Anatomy of the Eye

There are five main senses, all of which work together to allow the body to “sense” the surrounding world. All of these senses send information to the brain. In turn, the brain interprets the information as needed. Although all of these senses are important, eyesight stands out as the most important.

What Makes Sight Possible?

There are many factors that work together to make sight possible. Although different muscles and nerves are needed to send images, the main organs dedicated to this sense are the brain and the eye itself. Without one of these vital parts, the world around us would be dark.

The eye is considered one of the most complex parts of the body. This is due to all of the different parts of the organ, numbering in the billions. This organ is held in place by the surrounding muscles, which also serve to move the eye as needed. Images are seen by the eye and projected towards the retina. The retina then converts the images into electrical impulses that can travel through the optic nerve to the brain.

The Anatomy of the Eye

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Fresh Spring New You: Keratoconus Treatment Alternatives

Many are struggling with vision problems. However with today’s technology you can improve your quality of vision with a few simple procedures that could take less than an hour each. Why continue to struggle with your vision when you can see again?

Many patients struggling with Keratoconus each day have learned that there are better treatments available now, instead of 10 years ago. Making the right choice to improve your vision could be as simple as getting the facts. There is a lot of new information regarding treatment alternatives for those who are suffering with Keratoconus. It doesn’t have to impede your daily activities any longer.

Below are 3 benefits of using new treatment alternatives for Keratoconus.

Less Recovery Time: In the past the recovery time for procedures involving Keratoconus patients was between 4-6 weeks. In fact the patients often required Corneal Transplants which has dropped over 90% who will never require a transplant due to alternative treatments. Keratoconus alternative treatments today require less than a week of recovery time. And most can return to work within 48 hours.

Less Pain: Many of the new Keratoconus Alternative treatments allow for less pain during the procedure and after. In fact many of the procedures take less than 30 minutes to complete and have a great response from patients.

More Activity: Since the new alternative treatments for Keratoconus have been available many patients have been able to participate in more activities than they thought possible. With an improved quality of vision, they have had an improved quality of life. So could you!

Experience Less recovery time, Less pain, and more activity!

If you are looking for a better way to live your life, and experience a better quality of vision you should check out the alternative treatments to Keratoconus. Many people are reclaiming their lives so can you!

Watch how Brett’s life was improved by Keratoconus:

Common Eye Disorders

Common Cornea Disorders

There are some common eye disorders that are caused by the abnormal shape of the eye. One such condition is ectasia, a disorder that causes the cornea to bulge outward. LASIK surgery causes this by weakening the cornea. Other, naturally caused disorders include keratoconus and astigmatism. Keratoconus is caused when the cornea thins, causing it to bulge outward in a cone shape. Astigmatism, on the other hand, is a result of the cornea or lens curving in a different direction.

Common Optic Nerve Disorder

Another eye condition that afflicts many different people is glaucoma. This condition is different from other common conditions in that it is caused by elevated eye pressure. This pressure can result in damage to the optic nerve, which in turn can lead to vision loss.

Signs of an Eye Disorder

Although each eye condition is different and might manifest itself in a different way, there are some common signs that point to an eye disorder. If you notice any type of vision loss or blurring, make an appointment with an optometrist for an eye exam. Other common symptoms associated with these conditions could be eye pain, sensitivity and even headaches and nausea.

Common Eye Disorders

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How A Bobsledder With Severe Keratoconus Obtained a Gold Medal

For those who are suffering from Keratoconus you can break records, and make new strides in your life regardless of your diagnosis. Take a look at Steven Holcomb. He is a professional bobsledder that suffered from an extreme case of Keratoconus. So much so that he almost gave up the one thing he loved in fear that he would hurt his teammates.

His story is one that will be remembered always. His Keratoconus had gotten so severe that he couldn’t see more than a foot in front of him. His sport is bobsledding which requires him to be in the front of the sled guiding it down an extremely dangerous track at horrendous speeds.

But his condition was getting worse and worse. They were preparing for the the biggest world event in bobsledding and wanted to win gold that year. The team found out about his condition and found the Boxer Wachler Institute. After the team gathered the money they paid for his treatments ( C3-R ® to stabilize his vision and Visian ICL to improve his vision without contacts- )both were very successful. Later that year the 4-man US Men’s bobsled team with Steven as the driver won a Gold Medal in 2010.

This is an extremely memorable story about a man who didn’t give up. There are several new treatments that can give you the quality of vision you deserve regardless of your diagnosis. Take the time to review the symptoms and get an annual eye exam it could change your life so you can change the lives of others!


Blurred vision
Double vision
Frequent changes in prescription
Frequent Rubbing of the eye
Seeing Shadows
Change in vision at night

Early detection is the best way to get ahead of Keratoconus. If you have changes in vision, or you have a history of Keratoconus in the family contact your eye care professional for frequent and annual eye exams.

Watch Steven’s story about overcoming Keratoconus to win a Gold Medal:  Steven Holcomb Overcoming Keratoconus

Keratoconus: Treatment Options

Keratoconus is a degenerative eye disease that will continue to get worse until it is corrected. Although mild cases of keratoconus can be corrected with glasses or lenses, once the eye disease has progressed to a more severe case, other treatment options are needed.

Corneal transplants are one way to correct keratoconus. During this procedure, an eye surgeon will replace the severely damaged and eroded cornea. There are different types of corneal transplants in which different and smaller sections are replaced. Regardless, this is an invasive procedure and there are many complications associated with it. There can be a lengthy recovery time before vision is restored, and there are care responsibilities that last a lifetime.

Another treatment option for people suffering with keratoconus is C3-R treatment. This treatment is much safer than corneal transplants since it is not an invasive surgery. The goal of this procedure is to strengthen the existing cornea and restore its shape with a combination of UV light and special eye drops. The recovery time for this is almost instantaneous and no hospitalization is needed. The cornea is usually strengthened within a few weeks.

Conductive keratoplasity for astigmatism can also be used to help correct the symptoms of keratoconus. This treatment plan usually needs to be done in combination with either intacs or C3-R. Intacs are similar to contacts, but they are inserted in the cornea to help strengthen the lining. Although this is considered a surgery, it is less invasive than corneal transplants since the original cornea is still intact. The surgery simply requires a small incision in which to insert the intacs.

All of these treatment options are designed to help reduce the symptoms of keratoconus or to cure the eye of the disease. Each of the procedures has different risks and benefits, and a health care provider specializing in this disease can better explain the options.

Keratoconus: Treatment Options