LipiFlow®: A New Alternative for Dry Eye Relief
Dry Eye is a common condition. Often Dry Eye gets worse during the summer months. If you have struggled with Dry Eye and it seems you are getting little relief, LipiFlow® may be able to help. Lipiflow® is a 10-minute treatment that cleans out the glands that are blocked by dust and debris.
Those who are active during the summer, have a job that requires hours on the computer, or even those who work around flying dust or debris have difficulty with Dry Eye. It can cause pain and irritation, reducing your quality of vision and interrupting your daily activities. Below are a few signs of Dry Eye:
- Itchiness
- Redness
- Blurred vision
- Discomfort
- Gritty sensations
- Scratchy eyes
- Sensitivity to light
Overall Benefits of LipiFlow®:
There are several benefits to getting the LipiFlow® treatment. For those who have been suffering for several years, you can have significant improvement within 4 weeks. LipiFlow® allows the glands to be cleaned and increase the patient’s natural lipid production. This gradually helps with relief from your symptoms and can allow for a better quality of vision overall. If you have been dealing with Dry Eye without relief for a long period of time, you understand the need for treatment to help the underlying problem. LipiFlow® goes right to the gland that is blocked allowing true relief.
Some of the overall benefits of using the LipiFlow® treatment are:
- Improved quality of vision
- Improved lipid production
- Less irritation during work or personal activities
- little to no pain
- 86% improvement rate
Current over the counter artificial tears, “Get the red out” eye drops, and other treatments will only provide you with temporary relief. After a while these products may not work the same. LipiFlow® can be a true treatment for your Dry Eye symptoms. Getting a checkup annually and asking your eye care professionals about LipiFlow® can give you a better idea if it may be right for you. Get relief for your chronic Dry Eye and improve your quality of vision with LipiFlow®.
To hear Barbara’s first-hand results, click the link: