Tag: Lipiflow Risk Factors

How Do I Treat My Dry Eyes?

Have you been suffering from chronic Dry Eye? Maybe you spend a lot of time behind a computer at work, school, or even at home. If your dry eyes have been causing a problem, you’re probably wondering how you can treat them on your own. In some cases you can get temporary relief from Dry Eye symptoms over the counter, but in other cases a prescribed drop or procedure maybe needed.

Below are a few types of treatments for your chronic Dry Eye:

When you are first diagnosed with Dry Eye, your eye care professional will have you try different treatments, depending on the severity of your Dry Eye. Below are a few treatments you may encounter after diagnosis.

Over the counter drops:

These types of drops are found in your pharmacy and provide temporary relief for your dry eyes. They are helpful if you experience an occasional episode or two. If you have chronic Dry Eye it is likely you will have to continue using these drops multiple times a day, while also using other methods.

Prescribed Eye Drops or topical treatments:

If you continue to have difficulties with Dry Eye, your doctor may prescribe some drops for you to use regularly. These drops are often prescribed for those who have continued Dry Eye or have difficulty producing tears. If you have an issue with the lipid glands, topical creams or ointments may be suggested (such as testosterone cream). Prescribed eye drops and creams can often provide better relief than over the counter eye drops.

Lipiflow® Procedure:

For those who have difficulty with chronic Dry Eye related to a lipid deficiency, Lipiflow® may be a great treatment option for you. Lipiflow® is a painless 12-minute outpatient treatment that heats and massages the eye lids and glands that create the lipids. This action loosens and unclogs the glands, allowing lipid to be produced and excreted more effectively. While the procedure is relatively new, it has been extremely effective in providing relief for those who suffer from chronic Dry Eye that previously had no great treatment options.

Watch Jennifer, a Dry Eye sufferer for over 30 years, discuss how she finally found relief:

Finding Dry Eye Relief with LipiFlow

Thousands of people each year struggle with Dry Eye. Dry eyes are caused by a decrease in tear production or trouble blinking. Many have used over-the-counter drops or artificial tears to help them with some relief, however long-term treatment options for dry eyes was few and far between until LipiFlow.

What is Lipiflow?

LipiFlow is a treatment that opens and cleans out the Mebomian glands allowing them to produce clean lipids. LipiFlow uses a thermal pulsation system and applies controlled heat to the eyelids, warming the glands and liquefying the clogged oil.

Why use LipiFlow?

LipiFlow is a non-invasive procedure to help treat an underlying cause of Dry Eye. It uses new technology to clean and reopen your lipid glands. Other treatments such as over-the-counter drops and artificial tears only provide temporary relief but the LipiFlow treatment can provide a more lasting effect.

Symptoms of Dry Eye:

 Foreign body sensation
 Itching
 Burning
 Frequently watery eyes
 Frequent eye rubbing
 Red eyes
 Eye pain

About Dry Eye:

Dry Eye is a common condition that can cause pain and irritation of the eyes. It can also interrupt a patient’s life considerably.
Learn more about dry eyes with the LipiFlow treatment clink on the video below.

LipiFlow®: A New Alternative for Dry Eye Relief

Dry Eye is a common condition. Often Dry Eye gets worse during the summer months. If you have struggled with Dry Eye and it seems you are getting little relief, LipiFlow® may be able to help. Lipiflow® is a 10-minute treatment that cleans out the glands that are blocked by dust and debris.

Those who are active during the summer, have a job that requires hours on the computer, or even those who work around flying dust or debris have difficulty with Dry Eye. It can cause pain and irritation, reducing your quality of vision and interrupting your daily activities. Below are a few signs of Dry Eye:

  • Itchiness
  • Redness
  • Blurred vision
  • Discomfort
  • Gritty sensations
  • Scratchy eyes
  • Sensitivity to light

Overall Benefits of LipiFlow®:

There are several benefits to getting the LipiFlow® treatment. For those who have been suffering for several years, you can have significant improvement within 4 weeks. LipiFlow® allows the glands to be cleaned and increase the patient’s natural lipid production. This gradually helps with relief from your symptoms and can allow for a better quality of vision overall. If you have been dealing with Dry Eye without relief for a long period of time, you understand the need for treatment to help the underlying problem. LipiFlow® goes right to the gland that is blocked allowing true relief.

Some of the overall benefits of using the LipiFlow® treatment are:

  • Improved quality of vision
  • Improved lipid production
  • Less irritation during work or personal activities
  • little to no pain
  • 86% improvement rate

Current over the counter artificial tears, “Get the red out” eye drops, and other treatments will only provide you with temporary relief. After a while these products may not work the same. LipiFlow® can be a true treatment for your Dry Eye symptoms. Getting a checkup annually and asking your eye care professionals about LipiFlow® can give you a better idea if it may be right for you. Get relief for your chronic Dry Eye and improve your quality of vision with LipiFlow®.

To hear Barbara’s first-hand results, click the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qbx-CXBuZTY