Tag: corneal implants

Will I Need a Corneal Transplant Now That I’m Diagnosed With Keratoconus?

For those who are familiar with Keratoconus, Corneal Transplants maybe a familiar treatment option. But with today’s advanced technology, there are several treatments yielding amazing results when it comes to the treatment of Keratoconus. For generations past, the only treatment of Keratoconus was a corneal transplant. But the success of alternative treatments has made corneal transplants an option in less than 5% of patients with Keratoconus in fact they are almost obsolete.

Other treatments such as the Holcomb C3-R®, INTACS®, Hybrid Lenses, and even PRK have yielded excellent results. These treatments have aided in slowing, reversing, and in some cases stopping the progression of Keratoconus. For many, visual freedom and overall improved quality of vision is within reach.

Some of you may be wondering what Keratoconus is and what are the signs. For those of you who are new to this condition or even have family members who are newly diagnosed with Keratoconus, it is a progressive eye condition which causes the cornea to extend into a cone-shape causing distortions in the patients vision over time.

The lens slowly bulges outward causing blurred or double vision, decreased night vision, difficulty reading, and several other symptoms. The condition can be hereditary, caused by frequent rubbing, or injury to the eye. Over time the patient can have a severe decrease in vision, causing problems with daily activities, driving, or night vision.


Holcomb C3-R® Corneal Crosslinking System

Also known as Corneal Collagen Crosslinking with Riboflavin, Holcomb C3-R® is a treatment that strengthens the corneal fibers over time, fixing the damage or bulge to the cornea. This can improve the vision slightly over 4-16 weeks, but most importantly it will stop the disease from progressing. The treatment is non-invasive and uses a natural vitamin called Riboflavin along with a UV light to activate it. The treatment takes 30 minutes and continues to work to improve your sight for weeks after it’s complete.


INTACS® are tiny segments that are placed in your cornea to provide support and add shape to your cornea. INTACS® can be added in combination with the Holcomb C3-R® and take less than an hour for both eyes to be done. There is less recovery time and less pain involved with the procedure than a corneal transplant. The procedure for INTACS® is minimally invasive and requires very little recovery. INTACS® also can be removed relatively easily if technology changes or you need them removed for some reason in the future.

13yr old Brianna had her Keratoconus treated with these advanced treatments, watch her story here: http://youtu.be/KZFC8NOp_hI