What Are Some Key Signs and Symptoms to Help Detect Keratoconus?
The world is fighting a hard battle but the war is far from over, Keratoconus (KC) is at the front line battling back. Keratoconus (KC) is one of several different disorders that attack the eyes of many worldwide everyday. Signs of Keratoconus (KC) usually present themselves in the early to late teenage years however there have been recent reports of patients developing as late as in their 60’s. One key sign that a person has or is developing Keratoconus (KC) is increasing astigmatism and extreme sensitivity to light.
The deteriorating vision caused by Keratoconus makes everyday activities extremely hard. Many ask what causes Keratoconus (KC)? One cause may be excessive eye rubbing which occurs at an alarming rate, daily.
Signs of Keratoconus (KC) can include eye irritation. Most people think they have allergies or hay fever symptoms flaring up. Other signs include extreme eye strain and difficulty to read and see objects both near and far. Many people say “Squinting” helps the eyes focus images for a short time and distance. The vision problems are signs listed are a few early waring signs your vision is deteriorating.
The finding that follows Keratoconus (KC) slowly will develop and worsen if not diagnosed and treated by a competent trained physician. It is also found that patients have moderate to severe nearsightedness with moderate to severe astigmatism in one or both eyes. This finding makes driving difficult because it involves measuring distance between cars and stoplights almost impossible without high powered glasses or contacts.
A common symptoms in individuals with Keratoconus (KC) is the eyes give a “Ghosting” or “Halo” effect in vision. Both cast a faint double image from majority of things viewed. This symptoms can also give the patient chronic headaches that require constant medical attention due to remorseful pain index. Some describe migraine like pain from small amounts of reading and sunlight.
Headlights also produce an unholy amount of pain hindering one from night driving without eye protection which provides a hindering feel. Costly eye exams and prescription eyeglasses or contact lens changes arise at an alarming rate which may be anywhere from every two to six months.
Patients have reported changes in lens strength ranging from light to dramatic alterations in as little as six months. Early detection and treatment will give present and future people the ability to maintain and work past Keratoconus (KC) so one day this disease won’t be a constant burden on mankind.
Dr. Phil’s Show, The Doctor’s, educated about Keratoconnus: http://wwww.youtube.com/watch?v=1UJPr0694gA
For more information about keratoconus visit the American Keratoconus Association
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