Signs of Keratoconus
The eyes are a complex organ with all its layers and parts having an examination regularly is important. However knowing the signs of serious eye conditions can help it be detected and treated early. Keratoconus is a progressive eye disorder. It changes the shape of the cornea and damages the vision severely if not treated.
Below are some signs of Keratoconus:
There are many ways to tell if your eyes are in distress. It is important to see an eye doctor as soon as these signs make themselves apparent. Below are a few signs to look for:
- Itchy eyes
- Poor vision at night
- Sensitivity to light
- Blurred vision with new glasses or contacts
- Ghost images
- Difficulty seeing far away
- Flares and streaks around light
- Eye strain
Keratoconus doesn’t usually cause pain so you should be getting regular checkups. There are several symptoms related to keratoconus so you should consult your eye doctor at the first sign of symptoms, so treatment can be determined and started.
Treatment for Keratoconus:
After you have been diagnosed with keratoconus there are many treatment options that can relieve the symptoms you and your doctor can discuss. Typically in the early stages glasses are worn to help improve the patients vision. However as the disease worsens the use of glasses to correct vision isn’t enough. At that stage it is usually recommended use of special contact lenses.
The special contact lenses will help smooth out the cornea so vision can improve. This is done when the tear fluid fills gaps that keratoconus causes, between the cornea and the lens. If the lenses are not properly removed and replaced they can create more damage to the cornea and hinder the vision more. Once contact lens become uncomfortable for patients many option for corneal implants (INTACS) surgery or insertable contact lenses surgery. Many patients prefer the insertable contact lens and they require less care and are easier to maintain. A new procedure C3-R (Corneal Collagen Crosslinking)which involves one at a time application of a special solution to the eye, supervised by an eye doctor, is showing promise on stopping the progression of the disease. Many patients are apt to have this treatment to avoid the need for surgery and stop the loss of vision.
Lasting Effects of Keratoconus:
Diagnoses of the disease is usually in adolescents however it seems to worsen the most in the 20’s and 30’s. Keratoconus is unpredictable and can vary from patient to patient. How fast or slow the disease progresses will depend on the patient. When the disease progresses to both eyes it is difficult for the patient to live normally. It is harder for the patient to drive or even read. The implants are a good relief at this stage, in some severe cases a cornea transplant is needed to relieve the patient. Though this condition is a serious disease if you are seen regularly the disease can be managed and treated. If left untreated it can severely impair your vision. Seek a doctor immediately if you feel you may suffer from this condition, and protect your sight!
For more information about keratoconus visit Wikipedia