Tag: eye exams

Foods Essential to Your Eye Health

Summer is here and many of us are thinking of ways to stay fit through exercise and healthy eating. We can’t forget that we can improve our vision health by eating better and getting the right amount of vitamins daily as well. There are several foods we eat everyday that can improve your overall eye health.

Listed below are some foods and vitamins that are vital to your eye health:

There are several foods that can help you improve your vision by including them in your daily diet. In addition these foods can assist you in improving your bodies overall function. Take a few minutes to read the list and how they can help improve your vision.

Riboflavin – Vitamin B2

Riboflavin also known as Vitamin B2 provides benefits for your vision but also improves the production of other vitamins which benefit the rest of your body (Vitamin B3- Niacin & Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine). Riboflavin helps the body’s cells produce energy from our intake of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Foods with Riboflavin:

• Spinach
• Mushrooms
• Pasta (Egg noodles)
• Milk
• Cottage Cheese
• Pork
• Fish including (Trout, Squid, Salmon)
• Cuttlefish – Contains highest amount of Riboflavin – (1.3 mg per serving)

EFA – Essential Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty Acids are not just important to your eye health but your body’s overall health because the body doesn’t naturally produce them. Ensuring that they are a part of your diet regularly is important to your body.

There are two types of essential fatty acids:


Omega-3s are found in breast milk and are essential to our early development. Omega-3s also help protect vision from conditions like macular degeneration, and even Ery Eye syndrome. EFAs or essential fatty acids are also known to help drain intraocular fluid which can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and risk of Glaucoma.

Foods- (with Omega-3s)

• Tuna
• Herring
• Sardines
• Salmon

Recommended amounts would be 2 serving per week.


While Omega-6 can’t be produced by our bodies, it is in a lot of the foods we already eat regularly. In fact, most of us get too much Omega-6 so it is not often recommended to eat additional amounts with our daily diet. Of the EFAs, it is recommended that your focus be on Omega-3s.

To see a news segment about foods that are good for the eyes, as well as other helpful summer eye health tips, watch below.

Top 3 Reasons to Get Your Annual Eye Exam

For many of us, the thought of getting an annual eye exam slips our mind. However as we get older and our vision changes, we often realize how important it is to have this exam. Many times the eye care professionals will do a series of tests to ensure your vision health. But your eye care professional can also help with prevention of many other conditions by testing you each year. There are other conditions such as diabetes, and heart disease that can be detected through a simple eye exam.

Below are 3 reasons you should get your annual eye exam:

1) An annual eye exam scans for eye conditions – There are several eye conditions that, when they are found early, can be prevented, slowed, or even stopped with early intervention. One of most common missed diagnosed conditions is Keratoconus. The sooner Keratoconus diagnosis is determined, the better your treatment results will be.

2) An annual eye exam can catch other health conditions- Having your eye examined regularly can help catch conditions like Adult onset Diabetes (AKA Type 2 Diabetes), high blood pressure, as well as several heart conditions.

3) An annual eye exam can reduce the severity and length of treatments for vision health- It is best to get early treatments for your eye conditions. The sooner you treat, the more options you will have available to benefit your condition. Especially for glaucoma or cataracts.

Remember that early detection is the best way to get proper treatment of all conditions, including those in your eyes.

Dr. Brian shares the top 3 reasons for eye exam on Dr. Phil’s The Doctors Show:

Diagnosing Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a condition that hundreds of thousands of people face each year. Astigmatism is when the eye is no longer shaped like a sphere and has changed to more like a football. This causes distorted or blurred vision.

Astigmatism can be corrected relatively quickly; there are some basic tests that need to be done to measure the amount of astigmatism one suffers from. Astigmatism is determined by the curvature of the cornea. A patient with astigmatism goes through several tests to not only diagnose the condition but to determine the best course of treatment for the degree of astigmatism the patient suffers.

Tests for Astigmatism:

Standard Vision Chart-

The eye care professional may use a standard vision chart to determine the degree of visual correction is needed. The chart determines how well you can see at a 20 feet distance.

Refraction Tests-

The phoropter or lens machine is used to measure the prescription that is needed. They use the corrective lenses inside the machine to figure out what refraction distance you need for each eye. Sometimes the doctor will use what is called a retinoscope or a hand-held device to measure the prescription more accurately.


The Keratometer is used to measure the steepest and flattest areas of the cornea to tell how much of the vision is affected by the astigmatism. This meter is also used after corrective surgeries to measure how much of the vision has been corrected.


A Topography is a colorized map of the cornea. This can help your doctor determine if you have regular or irregular astigmatism. If you have irregular astigmatism your doctor will need to rule out this is not an early indicator of Keratoconus. Keratoconus is a degenerative condition of the cornea that causes a severe distortion of the cornea shape. Irregular astigmatism can be an early indicator of this condition. When detected early, patients can usually undergo a 30 minute treatment called Holcomb C3-R ® (Cornea Collagen Crosslinking with Riboflavin) that will prevent progressive ision changes.

To learn more about an astigmatism visit www.BoxerWachler.com

To Watch a video about Keratoconus Treatments visit: www.FixesYourKeratoconus.com

For more information about keratoconus visit the American Keratoconus Association

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Tough Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Keratoconus

There are many questions that run through our heads before we go to the doctors. It is no different when we go to the eye care professional about our Keratoconus. Being prepared for the doctor is very important. Many of us gather our medications, write lists of symptoms, and even write up a list of what want to talk about. And for those of us who have been to the doctor more frequently, we write a summary of our medical history so we don’t have to repeat ourselves again. But is all that really what we need?

Typically we walk away with additional questions on our minds, ones we forgot to ask, ones that we couldn’t get in, and even ones that came up during our visit. So why do we go in with questions and still come out with even more questions? How do we ask the tough questions?

Understanding the Tough Questions:

Many times the tough questions are simply the questions we are not sure whether to ask. We often don’t want to look “Dumb” or “Stupid” by asking them. But the truth is no question you have is “Dumb” or “Stupid” and the only way you will know the answer is to ask the question.

This is why it is so important to have a comfortable feeling in the doctors office. Making sure you are being treated with respect and courtesy from the moment you step in is imperative to how you will respond during your visit.

Below Are a Few Questions we are often afraid to ask our doctors about Keratoconus:

  • Can Keratoconus Affect a person’s Balance?

  • Do most people have the condition in both eyes?

  • How do I know if my Keratoconus is getting worse?

  • Do people with Keratoconus feel more tired?

  • Is it normal for KC to have pain when I blink?

  • How frequent is the pain?

  • Will I have eye pain with Keratoconus?

  • What are the symptoms of Keratoconus?

  • What stage is my Keratoconus in?

While these are just a few questions you might have after getting a diagnosis of Keratoconus, you can understand that no question is too small when you are dealing with your own eyes. Remembering to ask all that is on your mind while in the doctors office is important. You shouldn’t feel that you can not ask “Any” question. Be sure to do your research and find a eye care professional you are comfortable with. This will help you in communication with your eye care provider.

For more information on Keratoconus visit: www.nkcf.org

For more information about keratoconus visit the American Keratoconus Association

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         ©2019 BOXER WACHLER VISION INSTITUTE OF BEVERLY HILLS. 465 N. Roxbury Drive, Suite 902, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.                          Call: 310.594.5210  Or   Text: 424.245.0171  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. email: info@boxerwachler.com.

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