Dealing with Keratoconus & Treatment Options
A diagnosis of Keratoconus can be frightening. If you have family history of Keratoconus you may have already experienced seeing someone with the disease. However today technology has allowed for several new treatments that can slow the progression of Keratoconus or even in some cases stop the it’s progression.
In the past most treatments for Keratoconus ended up with a Corneal Transplant. But within the last decade many other treatments have allowed for faster recovery times, non-invasive procedures, and even improvements over time. Now with the design of hybrid contact lenses, scleral contacts, and even the Holcomb C3-R ® patients have non-invasive options for improving their vision.
Today’s Treatment Options
The use of eye glasses: The use of eye glasses has been a treatment option for those with Keratoconus and many other condition for years. This treatment is generally used in the very early stages of Keratoconus. When patients are treated during early diagnosis with Holcomb C3-R® they have a higher probability to be able to use glasses long term. Holcomb C3-R® stabilizes the progression of Keratoconus and helps preserve a patient’s current vision.
Contact Lenses:
Another traditional treatment for more advanced Keratoconus are RGP (Rigid Gas Permeable lenses) or Scleral Contact Lens. One type of RGP lens is the Rose-K lens, which can offer crisp and sharp vision for those with Keratoconus. There are some brands of soft contact lenses that are designed for patients with Keratoconus, these include KeraSoft Lenses and NovaKone Lenses. In addition to the soft contact lens there is a combination lens or Hybrid lenses like ClearKone ®, which have a hard center and a soft skirt. Discuss with your Keratoconus contact lens fitter the best option to improve the clarity of your vision and improve your day-to-day visual experience.
The Holcomb C3-R ® or Corneal Cross-linking With Riboflavin: This revolutionary treatment developed in 2003 by Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler is used to preserve the vision of those suffering with Keratoconus by using a more natural approach. A Vitamin rich solution is administered to the eyes and then activated with a special UV light. This procedure helps to strengthen the cornea and stop the progression vision loss from Keratoconus. This procedure helps to preserve a patient’s current vision. When combined with other procedures, such as INTACS, overall vision can be improved.
Ian discusses how revolutionary Keratoconus treatments have improved his life and vision, watch his story here:
To learn more about new treatments for Keratoconus you can visit