Can LASIK Improve Your Quality of Vision if You Have Keratoconus?
For those who have Keratoconus there are many treatments to help improve their symptoms and quality of vision. Over time the cornea deteriorates and it becomes harder to see despite your use of contacts or glasses.
LASIK treatment is often an option that individuals seek to improve vision. However, if you have Keratoconus LASIK can accelerate the disease and lead to a cornea transplant. Therefore, what does one do to improve their vision when LASIK is not an option?
The good news is there has been great advancement in the treatment of Keratoconus and improving vision. Treatments such as Holcomb C3-R® (cornea collagen crosslinking) can stabilize the vision and allow you to improve your vision with treatments such as Visian ICL (permanent, no maintenance, insert-able contact lens) and PRK (surface laser treatment).
Visian ICL is a permanent contact lens that is inserted inside the eye just behind the iris (color) portion of the eye. Once in place your vision can be greatly improved. The benefit is that these lenses do not need to be removed or clean – it is a maintenance free vision correction option.
PRK is a surface laser treatment that gently re-shapes the cornea to improve vision. This procedure is ideal for patients with mild Keratoconus.
The use of glasses and contacts are often not enough for treatment and other techniques are needed to gain improved quality of vision. Patients who are uncomfortable with glasses and contacts can benefit from Visian ICL or PRK treatments.
In order to take advantage of these vision correction options when you have Keratoconus, the first step is to have your vision stabilized with the Holcomb C3-R® (cornea collagen crosslinking) procedure. This is a one-time treatment that stabilizes the vision and stops the progressive vision changes.
Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, MD is a renowned eye surgeon specializing in Keratoconus treatments, and other procedures.
Learn more about Keratoconus treatments from other patients:
For more information about keratoconus visit the American Keratoconus Association
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