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Is Your Career On The Line Because Of Keratoconus?

Being diagnosed with Keratoconus can be difficult to manage, especially when it comes to your career. Although there are many stages of this degenerative eye disease, some more severe than others, the sooner the diagnosis the easier it will be to help preserve and improve your vision. If you are experiencing that Keratoconus is affecting your career, educate your employer on how they could help you. Explain to them that it is a degenerative eye disease that affects 1 in 500 people in which the cornea thins while bulging forward. Below are some tips that can make work a little more bearable.


• If you have a desk job, ask for a larger computer screencomputer desk
• Flat computer screens reduce glare
• Use fonts like Arial in larger text size
• Install enlargement software, screen readers or speech software
• Spend minimal times looking at the screen for hours. Take breaks in between computer time
• Adjust all light levels to reduce eyestrain
• Avoid dusty environments, keep your area clean
• If your career involves driving at night plan to avoid later hoursdownload

Following a few of these tips can make a world of difference while you are trying to cope with the eye disease in the workplace. Just because you are diagnosed does not mean your career path is over. There are many alternatives that help restore your vision.



Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking Systemnight driving

Holcomb C3-R® is a non-invasive procedure that uses a Riboflavin solution activated by an ultraviolet light to strengthen the collagen fibers of the cornea. This helps to reduce glare and halos in the vision, while also stopping the progression.

The Holcomb C3-R® is a only a 30 minute treatment, however it continues to strengthen the cornea for up to 3-6 months after the treatment. Another great aspect is that it can also be performed in combination with other keratoconus treatments to improve your results even further.


INTACS® are tiny crescent shaped inserts that are placed within the cornea to help change the shape of the cornea. INTACS® can also be used in combination with the Holcomb C3-R® to reduce distortions and increase comfort of glasses and contacts.

Conductive Keratoplasty (CK)

CK is a vision correction treatment that uses heat to change the shape of the cornea and reduce astigmatism. When combined with the Holcomb C3-R® Crosslinking System, the CK treatment can effectively reduce astigmatism for a period of several years. Due to the nature of the cornea in Keratoconus patients the effect of CK can diminish with time. Patients may elect to have future CK to reduce astigmatism, if needed.


Scheduling Your Easy 3 Day Procedure With Us

Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, is a world renowned eye surgeon and Keratoconus expert. He has pioneered many treatments to improve the quality of vision, including the Holcomb C3-R®, Intacs® and Visian ICL® for Keratoconus. If you do not live locally, that is not an issue. Many of his patients come from all over the world to receive care from the expert himself.

Dr. Brian provides a complimentary record review prior to scheduling your appointment. Once you are determined a candidate for the procedure, you will be personally assisted with the next steps prior to coming into the office.

Please see the steps below for requesting your record review. Learn how easy the records review steps are below.

Records Review Easy Steps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
for Vision Correction and Keratoconus Procedures

    1. Request a copy of your most recent eye exam from your doctor – be sure they include your manifest refraction (prescription) with best corrected vision.
    2. Request a copy of your most recent cornea map (topography).
    3. Write a brief cover sheet explaining your current vision and situation.
    4. Include on the cover sheet the best phone number and e-mail to contact you.
    5. Scan and e-mail to: or mail to:
      Boxer Wachler Vision Institute
      ATTN: Records Review
      465 N. Roxbury Drive, Suite 902
      Beverly Hills, CA 90210

If you have questions please call us at: 310-860-1900


Keratoconus Myths Busted- 6 Most Common Misconceptions

keratoconus topo

1. “Corneal transplant is the only treatment”

Many cornea transplant surgeons whose practice is based on performing corneal transplants, want you to think this is the only option. They do not want you to know that there is an alternative non- invasive crosslinking procedure called Holcomb C3-R. Invented in 2003, this crosslinking procedure has the longest track record of any form of crosslinking in the United States.

2. “If I get Intacs, I will feel them floating around in my eye”

Intacs do not “float around.” They are tiny semi-circle inserts that are placed in the peripheral layer of the cornea. They are immediately locked in place and sealed by the “healing process,” and patients usually do not feel them. Dr. Brian pioneered Intacs in 1999 and has had the longest experience in the world doing so.

3.“Intacs need to be replaced every couple of years”

Intacs do not wear out or degrade and do not need to be replaced.

4.“Hard contact lenses stop Keratoconus from worsening”

Contact lenses are often mistaken for stopping the worsening of Keratoconus, but the truth is no contact lens is able to stop or slow down the worsening. The main purpose of contacts is to “smooth out” the eyes surface while improving the vision. There are six different types of custom lenses that are a possible fit for a patient. Fitting for Keratoconus patients can be difficult, because the lens must fit around the cornea’s bulge, while still maintaining the comfort and proper fit, but it is nothing Dr. Weiss, Keratoconus contact lens specialist can’t help you with.

5. “Keratoconus only develops in young people”

Most people diagnosed with Keratoconus are under the age of 30 years old, but there are a number of patients who get diagnosed that are in their 40’s and even 50’s. Although age does not play an important factor because anybody could be diagnosed, Keratoconus occurs in 1 in 500 people.

6. “My Keratoconus is too severe and cannot be helped”

Often times Keratoconus patients with severe cases are told by their doctors that their only options are an invasive cornea transplant or hard contact lens. Dr. Boxer Wachler has made the technological advances to help people who could not be helped in the past, leaving patients with a peace of mind.

4 Ways to Ensure Good Vision

healthy eyes

It is never too soon to take steps to protect your vision. Ensuring we have good vision care should be a high priority in your families health care. Establishing a good vision specialist will protect your eyes in the future. Many of us take for granted our vision care despite the fact that we only have one pair.

Here are 4 things your family can do to ensure good vision:

1. Choose a good vision clinic:

Ensure that your eye clinic has good customer service and is not too busy to give you an appointment in a reasonable time. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of the staff when looking. Note how helpful the staff are and whether they answer your questions without hesitation.

2. Choose an compatible doctor:

Make sure the doctor you choose for your family is one that is concerned with their patients, and has the time to see them. Many times the doctor is good but very busy and doesn’t have sufficient time to dedicate to you and your family. You want to choose a doctor that has time for you! Ask questions to the patients as well. Some doctors have testimonials on their websites; feel free to research them as well. Be serious about your vision care.

3. Get regular checkups:

Make sure your family is being seen every two years. If you have risk factors for eye conditions like Diabetes you should be seen every year. If you have trouble remembering your appointments put it on your calendar. Ensuring your families eyes are checked regularly could save them hassles or catch conditions early on.

4. Educate yourself:

Don’t be afraid to do the research and take some initiative in your vision care. Write down any questions you have for your eye doctor and address them at your next appointment. If you don’t understand the answers they are giving you ask them until you do. This is your vision, and your care.


                                                    “You are your best advocate”

3 Reasons Why You Should Get Holcomb C3-R® Procedure

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Keratoconus, you are not alone. Keratoconus now occurs 1 in 500 people. Most doctors suggest the only treatment is a painful cornea transplant. But the Holcomb C3-R® is a non- invasive procedure that uses a more natural approach to improve your vision.
Below are the top 3 reasons why Holcomb C3-R® is the best option for you.holcomb-c3r-icon

1) Non-Invasive procedure

The Holcomb C3-R® is a non-invasive procedure that causes no pain. Because it is a non-invasive procedure, the recovery time is low. Most people return to normal activities the next day.

2) Can be combined with other procedures

The Holcomb C3-R® can be done on the same day as other procedures. With patients that have Keratoconus the Holcomb C3-R® procedure has been used in combination with INTACS, and CK to improve the patients quality of vision. The procedures can be done the same day and recovery time is not extended due to multiple procedures.

3) Natural Vitamins Used

The Holcomb C3-R® procedure uses a vitamin called Riboflavin. This is a vitamin already produced by your body to improve your overall vision. The Riboflavin strengthens your cornea over the course of 4-16 weeks.

Did You Know…

The Holcomb C3-R® has a success rate of 99.3% after 13 years while treating thousands of patients from all over the world. In addition, it has significantly improved the overall vision of patients with Keratoconus. If you are struggling with Keratoconus please call our office at (310) 860-1900 or email us at




5 Eye Saving Dishes This Thanksgiving

1. Sweet Potato

sweet potato


Sweet potatoes contain large amounts of carotenoid. Beta- carotene is both a carotenoid and an antioxidant. This helps night vision, slows the progression of macular degeneration and overall eye health. The body also changes beta carotene into vitamin A, helping dry eyes.


2. Pumpkin

pumpkin pie

A study done by the National Health Institute, stated that a cup of cooked pumpkin has 200 percent of the recommended Vitamin A intake. Vitamin A helps with low light vision. Do not pass up on the pumpkin pie!


3. Broccoli and Sweet Peppers


Incorporating these two into your dinner is a great way to get your Vitamin C, which aids with macular degeneration, glaucoma and helps prevent cataracts. Vitamin B2 is a top source for riboflavin contained in broccoli also which helps your eyes adjust to light change.


4. Cherry Pie and Cranberry Sauce



Both of these common Thanksgiving dishes contain antioxidants that protect against inflammation, dryness, macular degeneration and vision loss. They also contain many bioflavonoids, that protect against cataracts.


5. Green Veggies (Green Bean Casserole, Brussel Sprouts, Asparagus)


Greens are packed with zeaxanthin and lutein. They help with retinal damage, age-related macular degeneration and helps reduce the risk of cataracts. Greens also help with harmful blue light rays, and protects against UV light damage.

4 Daily Activities That Keratoconus Affects

Being diagnosed early with Keratoconus can mean minimal symptoms, as it progresses daily activities may become hindered. In the early stages of Keratoconus, one may be experiencing blurred vision, dry eyes, eye prescription changes, and night vision loss.  Living with these conditions can cause many psychological issues such as anxiety and depression. Patients are finding the freedom from glasses and contact lenses through new treatment for Keratoconus. The treatments Holcomb C3-R and Intacs  have been effective in returning daily activities to patients with mild to moderate stages of KC caused over the years. Below are some daily activities that can be challenging. As a result of these symptoms, getting through everyday life will take some life style adjustments.

1. Watching TV

woman watching tv

Watching television with keratoconus can cause strain to the eye which can lead to headaches, burning and stinging and neck or back pain. The LED light from the television also affects eye strain.

2. Night Driving

driving at night

Driving at night could be very dangerous due to halos and glares in the road. Patients with Keratoconus should plan their day out so they can avoid having to drive at night. Carpooling with colleagues or friends will ease the worry of getting stuck driving at night.

3. Outdoor Adventures

outdoor activities

One of the symptoms of keratoconus is dry eyes, making outdoor activities such as hiking and mountain biking very difficult to do. The dry air irritates the eyes making them red and painful. Contact wearers have to be especially careful because of the discomfort levels a poorly lubricated eye can cause.

4. Wearing Makeup

Make up is an every day essential for many women, but patients who suffer from keratoconus have to take extra precaution when applying. Good quality products as well as contact lens and eye hygiene is very important and need to be taken into consideration if you plan on applying makeup.

Foods Essential to Your Eye Health

Summer is here and many of us are thinking of ways to stay fit through exercise and healthy eating. We can’t forget that we can improve our vision health by eating better and getting the right amount of vitamins daily as well. There are several foods we eat everyday that can improve your overall eye health.

Listed below are some foods and vitamins that are vital to your eye health:

There are several foods that can help you improve your vision by including them in your daily diet. In addition these foods can assist you in improving your bodies overall function. Take a few minutes to read the list and how they can help improve your vision.

Riboflavin – Vitamin B2

Riboflavin also known as Vitamin B2 provides benefits for your vision but also improves the production of other vitamins which benefit the rest of your body (Vitamin B3- Niacin & Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine). Riboflavin helps the body’s cells produce energy from our intake of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Foods with Riboflavin:

• Spinach
• Mushrooms
• Pasta (Egg noodles)
• Milk
• Cottage Cheese
• Pork
• Fish including (Trout, Squid, Salmon)
• Cuttlefish – Contains highest amount of Riboflavin – (1.3 mg per serving)

EFA – Essential Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty Acids are not just important to your eye health but your body’s overall health because the body doesn’t naturally produce them. Ensuring that they are a part of your diet regularly is important to your body.

There are two types of essential fatty acids:


Omega-3s are found in breast milk and are essential to our early development. Omega-3s also help protect vision from conditions like macular degeneration, and even Ery Eye syndrome. EFAs or essential fatty acids are also known to help drain intraocular fluid which can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and risk of Glaucoma.

Foods- (with Omega-3s)

• Tuna
• Herring
• Sardines
• Salmon

Recommended amounts would be 2 serving per week.


While Omega-6 can’t be produced by our bodies, it is in a lot of the foods we already eat regularly. In fact, most of us get too much Omega-6 so it is not often recommended to eat additional amounts with our daily diet. Of the EFAs, it is recommended that your focus be on Omega-3s.

To see a news segment about foods that are good for the eyes, as well as other helpful summer eye health tips, watch below.