Author: cmg-wd

Does Keratoconus cause Nyctalopia?



Is it difficult for you to see while driving at night? Do you have to strain to see the street signs? How well can you see the traffic lights or other cars on the road? Millions of people suffer from difficulties driving during the night, it is called Night Blindness and there are treatments.

What is Night Blindness?

Night Blindness or Nyctalopia is when a person has difficulty seeing at night or it becomes impossible to see in the dark. Night blindness is often a symptom of certain medical or vision conditions. Often patients with night blindness can not participate in normal activities at night or in the dark.

What are the Causes of Nyctalopia?

Nyctalopia or night blindness is often a symptom of certain medical or vision conditions. Many include Cataracts, Macular degeneration, Retina Detachment, Diabetes, and even Keratoconus. But you can also have Nyctalopia at birth, through injury, or from malnutrition or lack of vitamin A (Retinol).

What are the Symptoms of Nyctalopia?

  • Blurred/Double Vision
  • Eye Strain
  •  Pain
  • Halos/Glares
  • Excessive Rubbing
  • Watering of the eyes

What are the Treatments for Night Blindness?

When it comes to treatment options for those who suffer with Night blindness  largely depends on the overall cause of the onset. Treatment options can include everything from a simple change in the patients eye glass prescription, to a change in medication. In some cases the patient may need surgery if the symptom creates too many complications.

Night blindness can be a very difficult symptom but with the help of your eye care professionals you can get help.

Am I At Risk For Keratoconus?

keratoconus eye

Keratoconus occurs in 1 in 500 people.  Studies suggest that the weakening of the eyes corneal tissue may be caused by the imbalance of enzymes in the cornea which causes the cornea to bulge into a football shape instead of its natural rounded shape.  Keratoconus is also said to be linked with overexposure of  ultraviolet sun rays, eye rubbing and poorly fitted contact lenses. Other studies suggest that keratoconus  is linked with hereditary predispositions as either a dominant or recessive trait. If you are having keratoconus symptoms it is important to review your families eye history. Below are some symptoms  to help you detect the early stages of Keratoconus.

  • Constant Squinting
  • Discomfort of the eyes
  • Frequent changes in Prescriptions
  • Sensitivity to glare & halos
  • Ghosting
  • Double Vision
  • Frequent eye rubbing

How To Detect The Early Stages Of Keratoconus

Eye test


Your vision is an essential part of living a normal life. When it comes to your eyes, detecting early symptoms of Keratoconus is important. Knowing your family history and scheduling regular eye exams can help you with the diagnosis of the condition before it worsens. If the condition is left untreated it can cause difficulty driving at night, while decreasing the ability to see well with glasses or contacts. Below is a list of signs and symptoms.

• Blurred vision
• Glasses or Contacts do not improve the vision
• Frequent rubbing of the eyes
• Prescription changes
• Halos or glare around lights
• Decreased night vision

Treatments for Keratoconus 
• Holcomb C3-R Cornea Collagen Crosslinking
• Intacs
• CK for Keratoconus
• Visian ICL

Since 1999 Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler, expert in Keratoconus Treatments has been treating patients from all over the world every week. Early detection can slow the progression of your Keratoconus while saving and preserving your vision. Call our office today to schedule an appointment at (310) 860-1900.


6 Tips: How To Maintain Good Eye Health For Keratoconus Contact Lens Wearers

contact lens

1. If you drop don’t drag

If a lens is dropped avoid dragging it along a surface, instead wet your finger with solution and gently touch the lens to lift it.

2. Clean your lens nightly

After removing your lens from your eyes leave them soaking in solution until the morning. Soaking your lens overnight increases the effectiveness of disinfecting chemicals.

3. Never mix and match solutions

You should always use the same care system for disinfecting, soaking and rewetting your lens. Mixing different types of solutions can cause clouding of the lens, leading to eye irritation.

4. Replace your case

Cases become contaminated over time, each time you buy a new solution you should also be replacing your case. Another option would be cleaning the case with a toothbrush and cleaner.

5. If your lenses dry out, soak them

 If you leave your lenses out, soak them for at least 4 hours before you re- wear them.

6. Removing lenses with a suction cup

Suction cups need to be cleansed with contact solution before and after each use. Remember to know where the lens is before inserting the suction cup on your eye.

What Type Of Contact Lens Should I Wear For Keratoconus?

girl putting on contact lensContact lenses for Keratoconus patients come in many different designs. Here at our Beverly Hills office, we create the best design possible ensuring comfort, vision and eye health. There are six different options for contact lenses.

HydraKone, KeraSoft, FlexLens or Soft KC Toric Lenses– These soft lenses supply improved comfort and is an ideal  lens for patients with mild to moderate Keratoconus.

Custom Piggy Back Contact Lens System– This lens system involves wearing two lenses on one eye. The soft lens protects the cornea, while allowing it to hold the RGP lens in place.

Synergeyes-This lens is a highly oxygen permeable rigid material, while the outer skirt is a soft lens. This requires only a single lens to be inserted, and has successfully fit over 90% of patients.

Rose K2 IC– This lense has been one of the longest and most commonly used Keratoconus RGP lense.

Intra-Limbal Dyna-Z-  This lens design is based on the topography. The comfort level is excellent due to larger diameter.

Scleral Lenses- These RGP lenses are very comfortable because they do not sit on the cornea, but rest on the eyes white portion. Inserting these lenses may be a little difficult.

The newest len is called the Eye Print Pro lens which increases comfort, enhances vision and decreases red areas.

Eye Print Pro  is  designed to align over the individual eye allowing a 360 degree view and 26 inches around the eye. The mold then undergoes 3D scanning and is used to make an exact match to the other eye. Eye Print Pro is as unique as a finger print.


While contact lenses can improve vision, they do NOT stop your Keratoconus from getting worse and losing more vision.  That’s the reason we recommend the non-invasive Holcomb C3-R procedure to strengthen and stabilize your Keratoconus.  Please call our office for more information at 310-860-1900 or click here.

INTACS for Keratoconus

Kelly discusses KERATOCONUS treatments and successful experience with Dr. Brian

INTACS® are tiny, clear, semi- circle inserts that are placed behind your eyes natural lens to improve and support your natural lens.  The procedure takes about 15 minutes per eye, and is relatively non-invasive and can be done in combination with other procedures like the Holcomb C3-R® to improve your overall vision.


Pioneered in 1999 by Dr. Brian, Intacs® help reshape the cornea’s curve by flattening the bulge. No tissue is removed, as natural optics are enhanced. Some of the benefits of Dr. Brian Intacs procedure include:

  • Improved night vision/ overall vision
  • 7 minute procedure
  •  Can be combined with multiple procedures
  • Non- Invasive
  • Removable and exchangeable
  • Helps prevent cornea transplant when combined with Holcomb C3-R®

If you wear glasses or prescription contact lenses, Intacs are a great option as well.

To find out more information call our office at 310-594-5209

3 Reasons Why You Should Get Holcomb C3-R® Procedure

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Keratoconus, you are not alone. Keratoconus now occurs 1 in 500 people. Most doctors suggest the only treatment is a painful cornea transplant. But the Holcomb C3-R® is a non- invasive procedure that uses a more natural approach to improve your vision.
Below are the top 3 reasons why Holcomb C3-R® is the best option for you.holcomb-c3r-icon

1) Non-Invasive procedure

The Holcomb C3-R® is a non-invasive procedure that causes no pain. Because it is a non-invasive procedure, the recovery time is low. Most people return to normal activities the next day.

2) Can be combined with other procedures

The Holcomb C3-R® can be done on the same day as other procedures. With patients that have Keratoconus the Holcomb C3-R® procedure has been used in combination with INTACS, and CK to improve the patients quality of vision. The procedures can be done the same day and recovery time is not extended due to multiple procedures.

3) Natural Vitamins Used

The Holcomb C3-R® procedure uses a vitamin called Riboflavin. This is a vitamin already produced by your body to improve your overall vision. The Riboflavin strengthens your cornea over the course of 4-16 weeks.

Did You Know…

The Holcomb C3-R® has a success rate of 99.3% after 13 years while treating thousands of patients from all over the world. In addition, it has significantly improved the overall vision of patients with Keratoconus. If you are struggling with Keratoconus please call our office at (310) 860-1900 or email us at




5 Eye Saving Dishes This Thanksgiving

1. Sweet Potato

sweet potato


Sweet potatoes contain large amounts of carotenoid. Beta- carotene is both a carotenoid and an antioxidant. This helps night vision, slows the progression of macular degeneration and overall eye health. The body also changes beta carotene into vitamin A, helping dry eyes.


2. Pumpkin

pumpkin pie

A study done by the National Health Institute, stated that a cup of cooked pumpkin has 200 percent of the recommended Vitamin A intake. Vitamin A helps with low light vision. Do not pass up on the pumpkin pie!


3. Broccoli and Sweet Peppers


Incorporating these two into your dinner is a great way to get your Vitamin C, which aids with macular degeneration, glaucoma and helps prevent cataracts. Vitamin B2 is a top source for riboflavin contained in broccoli also which helps your eyes adjust to light change.


4. Cherry Pie and Cranberry Sauce



Both of these common Thanksgiving dishes contain antioxidants that protect against inflammation, dryness, macular degeneration and vision loss. They also contain many bioflavonoids, that protect against cataracts.


5. Green Veggies (Green Bean Casserole, Brussel Sprouts, Asparagus)


Greens are packed with zeaxanthin and lutein. They help with retinal damage, age-related macular degeneration and helps reduce the risk of cataracts. Greens also help with harmful blue light rays, and protects against UV light damage.

5 Signs Keratoconus Is Making You Depressed

When it comes to dealing with Keratoconus, there are many factors that may leave you at a loss of confidence, or motivation to be the person you once were. You may be feeling like your life will never be “normal” again. However, every person is different, but depression is something that everyone can agree is a serious matter.  If you can relate to any of the following signs below, getting immediate help from a health care professional is advised.

         1. Daily Activities Do Not Sound Appealing


You are starting to lose interest in some of the daily activities you were once interested in. You may not care about pervious hobbies, social activities or anything that anything that once brought you joy. This  is common to experience when you are in a state of depression.

2. Appetite is Suppressed


All the foods you once loved eating do not satisfy your craving. You may be skipping meals or just feel like you have no appetite at all. If you are noticing that you are losing a significant amount of weight ( 5% of body weight a month)  seek immediate help.

3. Little or No energy


You are always tired or feeling sluggish, even after doing little or no physical activity. You do not feel like moving because of how emotionally drained you are. It is common to experience headaches and migraines due to lack of sleep.

4. Anger Levels Rise

angry man

Every little thing is bothering you. You are feeling more agitated, short tempered and possibly violent. You may act out in unusual behavior. Dealing with Keratoconus can be upsetting and difficult to cope with.

5. Reckless Behavior


You start to engage in activities that can put you in danger. Substance abuse and gambling are a few examples. If you are turning to these options for relief, you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible. There are other positive healthy alternatives.